Inxera Syndrome | uk

THE POSTMAN SYNDROME is a band from New Jersey, USA. The group started making music in 1996 while the band was still in high school. From the beginning they always had an eclectic musical taste ranging from different bands and genres. The name of the band was inspired by the killing spree of some angry postman workers that occurred in the United States. They signed with Now Or Never Records in 2001 and in 2002 we saw the release of the band's debut, "Terraforming". The band's sound has been seen as a mixture of alternative metal, jazz, ambient, metalcore and...
Deviant Syndrome is original band from Moscow, Russia. Band’s musical direction is a prominent mix of different genres, giving the band modern and unusual sound that is considered to have epic, melodic and technical death metal influences in it. Every song is a remarkable example of how high-technique melodic death in traditions of Children of Bodom and Kalmah meets speed thrash riffs of Slayer and symphonic black of Dimmu Borgir, as long as epic tunes lessens brutal tension of death. The band started in late 2005 and since that time have received critical acclaims for their first demo-tape “Pictures of...
Группа была образована в 2006 году. Состав: Уильям Этлингг, Джесси Хой, Майкл Хьюз и Кристофер Ричард. Осенью того же года группа была подписана на лейбл Dim Mak Records. Сразу же после подписания, группа начала работу над своим дебютным альбомом, The Ortolan, который был выпущен во всем мире 11 сентября 2007 года при поддержке и контроле Nico Aglietti и Airin Older из группы Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros. The Ortolan получил благоприятные отзывы от Allmusic, The Los Angeles Times, The Tripwire, Pitchfork Media и French rock magazine Les InRockuptibles. Еще до выпуска альбома, группа провела тур по Калифорнии с Oh...
"Restless legs syndrome is a neurological disorder characterized by an irresistible urge to move one's body to stop uncomfortable or odd sensations." - Wikipedia Although it might cause a similar urge, the Restless Leg Syndrome we're talking about here is of a less harmful nature. It's a musical team from Austria consisting of longtime DJ and producer d.b.h and the two turntable wizards Chrisfader and Testa, who split up most of the national DJ championships between each other in the last decade and also made a name for themselves as producers. The concept behind their joint-venture is quite simple: Take...