Craig Richards | uk

Trance and Progressive House Producer and DJ from Manchester UK. Large sounding tracks with big melodies, vocals and massive synth sounds. Records on Garuda (label by Gareth Emery). Also got a mad interest in music technology. Love playing with drum machines, synths, samplers, keyboards, sequencers, anything really. .
Most people should recognize the name of this artist. However, most people will recognize the name of this artist when it's paired with a production credit, not as...well, the artist. Craig Leon is, of course, one of the seminal NYC punk/New Wave producers who brought us so many excellent things from that scene, ranging from Suicide to Blondie. And he's continued his production work on up to the present day, of course. Still, very few people know about the electronic albums he's made himself. And that's a shame, because they're fine, fine drone-a-delic stuff. Especially his first, "Nommos". Used as...