Ворон Кутха | tr

Voron Koutkha means crow crow. It's also a god name in Siberia. This band was created o by Dimitri Moulygine. It is the last russian rock band supported by the famous alternative Club of St-Petersbourg before the Perestroika. Words, written by the singer and poet Dimitri Moulygine, reflects the harmony and dimension he has facing the new russian society. Originals compositions are done by Dimitri Moulygine and Denis Ivanidze who is also guitarist, violonist and composer of the Obereg band - OBEREG These tracks are amazing and very attractive. Strength, rhythm and spontaneity will fire the young and older public....
Bulundu 137 şarkılar, süresi: 13:45:07
Весна (Дикое поле)
Нити белые
Красная песня
Новый Завет
Ибо нет иного Бога...
Как летели птицы...
И облетели маски...
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Светит звезда
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В старом Тегеране
11-Весна (live_2014-01-31)
2015-05-14 - ВОРОН КУТХА
Тихо. И будет всё тише...
Злые белки
Весна (Дикое поле)