The Can Kickers | tr

The "can kickers" page seems to contain more info and be the official name of the band but, The Can Kickers has more plays probably due to the fact that it's the name given when uploading their albums from CD to your computer... Either way, a great act! Fast, punky country/bluegrass music for dancing and fighting to. Excellent live performances. The unique sound can be attributed to the percussion which adds the punk element to the bluegrass style but all three are competent musicians and at home on a stage or playing amoungst the crowd... You'll go home tired, sweaty...
Bulundu 6 şarkılar, süresi: 10:49
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Rachel Corrie
Froggy Went A-Courting
Greenback Dollar (Hidden Track)
Dingus Day Polka
Money In Both Pockets