Tex Lecor | tr

Fondlecorpse the band has been around since 1996, at that time The Goregnome was drawing a picture and wrote next to it FONDLECORPSE, now this would be a great name for a band. Now you will say why wasn't there any material recorded, to make a long story short, lots of line up changes, some even came close to recording but in the end it always fell thru because people left fucked up got kicked out etc etc. In ‘99 it seemed we would be hitting the studio, and yup bye bye drummer. And the torment continued. Only thing that...
There are at least three bands called Applecore: Applecore (Bloomington, Indiana, US) Applecore is eight years old. They require guidance and positive role models so that they can someday grow up to be a productive member of society. They play punk rock power pop, but also like to play video games, watch movies, read (comic books), color, play with toys, eat (poorly), bathe (with each other), and consume copious amounts of alcohol (as mentioned, they need positive role models). Applecore resides in Bloomington, Indiana and have jobs which they all hope to quit. They drive a van that scares children...
Tex Lecor (Paul Lecorre, Saint-Michel-de-Wentworth, Québec, Canada, June 10, 1933 - September 9, 2017) was a painter who became more famous as a folk-country singer. He was also a radio animator at CKAC in Montréal. .