Keith LuBrant | tr

26 ekim 1967 wangarei yeni zelanda doğumlu grammy ödüllü şarkıcı.ayrıca nicole kidman'ın eşi.Elton john ve jackson browne şarkı sözlerinden etkilendiği belirtiliyor. .
Keith JARRETT , ABD’Iİ caz piyanisti ve bestecisi (Pennsyivania/ Ailentown 1945). 1962′de kendi bestelerinden oluşan iki saatlik bir solo konserle adını duyurdu.’Boston’da kendi üçlüsünü yönetti; New York’ta Roiand Kirk ve Tony Scott ile çalıştı. 1965′te Art Blakey’e katıldı, 1966′dan başlayarak Charles Llyod ile altı kez Avrupa turnesine çıktı. 1970-1971 arasında Miles Davis topluluğunda çalıştı. 1969′dan sonra solo konserler verdi. Romantik-rapsodik bir caz biçiminin temsilcisi oian Jarreît eserlerirrde çeşitli müzik geleneklerinin öğelerini ustalıkla işledi. 1983′ten başlayarak davulcu Jack De Johnette ve basçı Gary Peacock ile birlikte oluşturduğu üçlüyle çalışan Jarretî, bu toplulukla 1986′da 14. Uluslararası istanbul Festlvail’nde başarılı konserler verdi.Başlıca plakları:...
Keith Noel Emerson (born 2 November 1944 in Todmorden, UK; died 10 March 2016), was an English keyboard player and composer. Formerly a member of the Keith Emerson Trio, John Brown's Bodies, The T-Bones, The V.I.P.'s, P.P. Arnold's backing band, and The Nice (which evolved from P.P. Arnold's band), he was a founder of Emerson, Lake & Palmer (ELP), one of the early supergroups, in 1970. Following the break-up of ELP, circa 1979, Emerson had modest success with Emerson, Lake & Powell in the 1980s as well as with 3, with the album To the Power of Three. ELP reunited...
KEITH SWEAT (born in New York - Harlem on July 22, 1961) is a R & B / Soul American singer / songwriter, record producer, radio personality and innovator of the "New Jack". Keith Sweat began his musical career as a member of a group from Harlem called "Jamilah" in 1975. Thanks to Jamilah, Sweat can hone his craft as lead singer performing at a regional level in the tripartite New York, New Jersey and Connecticut . The group was initially formed by bassist Larry Peoples, guitarist Michael Samuels and drummer Walter Bradley. Other members of the group who later...
4 Artists named Keith Anderson exist. 1. KEITH ANDERSON was born in the rural town of Miami Oklahoma. He excelled in academics and sports while courting a great love for music and performing. He began his college years at Oklahoma State University, where he received the Top Ten Freshman Award and went on to graduate at the top of his class in Construction Engineering with a 3.9 GPA. He also placed second in the Mr. Oklahoma bodybuilding competition and was selected for the Oklahoma All-State football team. He joined the OSU baseball team and secured a slot on the draft...