Fat History Month | tr

There are multiple artists on this page. 1. HISTORY is a 5-member South Korean group formed in 2013, under LOEN Entertainment. They debuted on April 26th, 2013 with their first single album “Dreamer”. The group consists of Jang Yijeong (main vocal), Na Dokyun (main vocal), Kim Jaeho (sub-vocal and rapper), Song Kyungil (leader, sub-vocal, rapper) and Kim Sihyoung (rapper). 2. History is a 3-piece instrumental group located in Minneapolis, Minnesota. They have one album “Love? My Dear, You Kiss Like A Hedonist” and are currently writing and playing around the midwest. www.myspace.com/historyband 3. Similarly enamored of atmospherics, History rocks to...
Epic Rap Battles of History is a Youtube sensation by Nice Peter and Epic lloyd. The whole concept is that the watchers can suggest two persons that they want to see in a rap battle. In the videos they have for example featured Justin Bieber, Gandalf, Adolf Hitler, Darth Vader, Stephen Hawking, Napoleon, Gengis Khan, Albert Einstein, Easter Bunny etc. Nice Peter and Epic Lloyd Ahlquist are usually acting the characters, yet they've had numerous guests like DeStorm and MC Mr Napkins. You can see what they have done on their website http://www.epicrapbattlesofhistory.com/ .
The Natural History are a New York City-based trio, featuring brothers Max Tepper on guitar/vocals and Julian Tepper on bass, with drummer Derek Vockins as the only other member. Max Tepper and drummer Vockins had both been playing in emo-rock/math-rock bands (similar to Don Caballero and Fugazi), before their mutual interests began to change. By the beginning of 2001, they were ready to try something new, and they began reaching back into the past, pulling out influences from their youth, including Elvis Costello, the Kinks, the Beatles, Wire and XTC. They were still in need of a bass player, and...
Taking their main sonic cues from from the Shoegaze and fuzzed-out bands of the 90s, The History Of Colour TV’s songs advance in cascading duels ofpop-sense versus noise-texture. Propelled by a sonic charge of overdriven guitars, primitive drum machines and synth-induced soundscapes, the band interweave themes of sorrow and euphoria to form a glimmering evocation of a daydream in which the past has yet to be and the future has been forgotten. With members hailing from the U.S. and the U.K., The History Of Colour TV was formed and is currently based in Berlin. http://thehistoryofcolourtv.tumblr.com/ .
Bulundu 61 şarkılar, süresi: 04:16:25
06. Bald History Month
Bad History Month
(bad future)
(bad history)
Bald History Month
02. Bad History Month
Bad History Month (Live, July 15, 2012)
01. (bad history)
10. (bad future)
Garbage Island Drifter
03. The Future
Everyday Is Christmas
Things I Enjoy
Blackholes Suck
Skin Divers In Action
04. Everyday Is Christmas
08. Blackholes Suck
Ritual Condo Immolation Celebration
07. Cat In A Box
Couch Killed the Cowboy
Cat in a Box
11. There Goes The Sun
I Ate Myself and I Want to Die
Skindivers (live 11 22 08)
I Ate Myself and I Want to Die
Another Dust cover, New Years Rockin Eve 2011
Low Hanging Fruit
05. Couch Killed The Cowboy
12. I Ate Myself And I Want To Die
There Goes the Sun
Deep Bright Future
Low Hanging Fruit
It Is What It Isn't
Self Help Sundae