Edward M Favor | tr

Der gebürtige Essener Favorite lernte schon in seiner Kindheit, dass sich Dinge im Leben ganz plötzlich radikal ändern können. Als er 12 Jahre alt war, verstarben beide Elternteile bei einem tragischen Unfall. Favorite musste daraufhin einen Großteil seiner Jugend in Waisenhäusern verbringen und wurde natürlich durch diese Zeit sehr beeinflusst. Er musste sich alleine durchschlagen und sammelte viele Erfahrungen, die ihn geprägt haben. In dieser Zeit kam auch der erste Kontakt mit Rapmusik zustande. Er merkte schnell, dass er einfach rappen muss und so entstanden im Alter von 15 Jahren seine ersten Texte und Aufnahmen. Über Umwege geriet Favorites Demotape...
Favorite Blue was a Japanese popular music group till they split in 2002. Takashi Kimura then became the Producer and composer of M.o.v.e. Maya Matsuzaki left Avex and formed mamy drop. Main Members Maya Matsuzaki Takashi Kimura .
House producer from New Jersey born in 1972. The sound of Todd Edwards is characterised by an hypnotic collage of short cut-up samples over swung US garage beats and lively disco flavoured bass-lines. He started his musical career around 1992-93. Influenced by Marc Kinchen, whose 'MK' remixes were very popular to feature vocal reconstructions ('Push The Feeling On' by Nightcrawlers, The, 'Can You Forgive Her' by the Pet Shop Boys among others). Credited as one of the godfathers of UK speed garage, Edwards is also a committed Christian and often mention 'Jesus' and 'God' as his primary sources of inspiration....
Edward Maya born Eduard Marian Ilie on June 29, 1986 is a Romanian DJ, performer and record producer of electronic dance music. Being raised in an environment that treasures the true artistic value of musicianship and revels in the mastering of instrumental skill, it was Edward's deep rooted love and passion for music that encouraged him to start his career as an international artist attending Bucharest's George Enescu Music High School. While continuing his studies at the Bucharest Conservatory, Edward Maya began writing songs, one of which became an entry in the 2006 Eurovision Song Contest, and collaborating with a...