Cecile Ousset | tr

1) Style, wit, grace, intelligence, creativity and flare for controversy are all key components for a budding diva. Add a bit of sexiness, a lethal body and stunning smile along with a large measure of talent and you've just defined the allure of Ce'Cile - Dancehall Diva. This self proclaimed 'Bad Gyal' has kept people guessing and tongues wagging since first captivating the Dancehall scene with the shockingly refreshing and thought provoking smash "Changez" which was designed as a marketing ploy by poking fun at her male counterparts. Ce'Cile takes up for women and makes no apologies. Boldly demanding that...
Cécile Corbel (born 1980, Pont-Croix, Finistère) is a French singer and harpist. She has released a number of albums of original music and worked for Studio Ghibli as a composer for its 2010 film, The Secret World of Arrietty. Corbel sings in many languages including French, Italian, Breton, and English and has done songs in Irish, Turkish, and Japanese. Corbel now lives in Paris and performs in France and abroad. Her music blends ancient poems and compositions, celtic tunes and Mediterranean influences. She was noticed during her concerts and had the opportunity to play with the greatest “world music” artists:...
Cecile Ousset was born on 23rd January 1936 in Tarbes, France. She is the recipient of many international awards. She is particularly noted for her recordings of Ravel, Chopin and Liszt. She retired from public performance in December 2006 due to health problems .
Christophe Rousset (born 1961) is a French harpsichordist and conductor, specializing in the performance of baroque music on period instruments. Born in Avignon, Rousset grew up in Aix-en-Provence and developed an interest in the harpsichord during his early teens. He studied at the Schola Cantorum in Paris under Huguette Dreyfus and from 1980 to 1983 he attended the Royal Conservatory at the Hague under Bob van Asperen. In 1983 Rousset won first prize at the 7th International Harpsichord Competition at Bruges; subsequently, his career as a soloist commenced and he appeared with ensembles such as: The Academy of Ancient Music,...
Bulundu 2 şarkılar, süresi: 07:46
Pour le piano - Toccata (Debussy, 1901)
Claude Debussy. Arabesque No.1