Absurd Universe | tr

Across the Universe is a Beatles tribute band from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. If you are listening to the movie soundtrack please fix your tags. The easiest way is to use MusicBrainz Picard. Thank you. .
Bu ismi kullanan birden fazla sanatçı mevcut. 1) Sondershausen, Thuringia, Almanya'dan black metal grubu. 2 Ocak 1992'de Hendrik Möbus ve Sebastian Schauseil tarafından kuruldu. Sonradan üçüncü bir eleman olarak Andreas Kirchner aralarına katıldı. Grubun parça sözleri genel olarak hristiyan karşıtlığı, Cermen mitolojisi, nasyonal sosyalizm ve savaş öğelerini taban alır. Aslında Asgardsrei dışında grup parçalarında nasyonal sosyalizm'den pek bahsetmez. Ama bu albümdeki genel temanın bile nasyonal sosyalizm olması, NSBM grubu olarak yaftalanmalarına yetmiştir. Grup isminin kökeni tam olarak bilinmemekle beraber, grup üyelerinin zamanında izlediği düşük maliyetli korku filmlerinden türediği zannedilmektedir. Ancak tüm bunlara rağmen grup üyelerinin neden Absurd ismini kullandığı karşılıklı...
What Mad Universe is a project created in November 2008 by "RK" in Albi, France. WMU's music evolves in a Post-Rock / Metal register. Influenced by astronomy and mythology, the journey between space and time can begin. Welcome to a world where reality alongside the imagination, where emotion melodies confronts high winds. A demo and two EP are now available for free download. "PEP" WMU joined with the aim of replacing "the battery computer parts, by the sound of his real drums. The band released its first album, A Cosmic Chapter With Gaia, in 2010, under Apathia Records. The goal...
The story of Parallel Universe began at the end of 2007 when Damir Puh had an idea to put together a band that would play instrumental rock music. Daniel Rujkov was the first to join the band, as a bass player. Damir and Daniel knew each other as they both played in a same band before, they shared similar musical tastes, so the collaboration in the new project was evident. Soon after this, Dejan Stanojevic joined the band as a second guitar player, followed by Damir Ibraimoski on drums. The band began working on their own material, based on some...
The Plastic People of the Universe are a Czech underground rock band, experimental and strongly influenced by The Velvet Underground and Frank Zappa. The band was formed in 1968 in Prague by Milan Hlavsa less than a month after the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Soviet forces. Along with artistic advisor Ivan Martin Jirous, Josef Janíček and Jiří Kabeš they began staging concerts while the USSR was trying to "normalize" the Czech rock scene. Their non-conformity lead to their license to perform being revoked by communist authorities in 1970. Adding Canadian Paul Wilson as singer, they continued as a band, performing...