drunk mechanics | tl

This page refers to four bands: Drunk (US): An American acoustic/indie band (http://www.jagjaguwar.com/artist.php?name=drunk). Members of this band went on to form Spokane (http://www.jagjaguwar.com/spokane/) on the same label with a similar sound. Drunk (NO): A Norwegian punk band (http://www.drunk.no/). Drunk consisted of members from Life... But How To Live It?, Bannlyst, Captain Not Responsible, So Much Hate, Manna and Barn av regnbuen. Drunk (BE): A Belgian crossover Thrash metal band born in the pubs of Antwerp. (http://www.myspace.com/stompingdrunk) Drunk (GE): German pop-punk band. .
Driven by Tiger JK and DJ Shine, Drunken Tiger is often given credit as being one of South Korea's greatest hip-hop pioneers. In 1999, when packaged pop and redundant ballads dominated Korea's music industry, Drunken Tiger debuted and challenged the system with their unique hip hop sound and realistic lyrics. Drunken Tiger's straightforward approach made them one of the most controversial figures in Korea's conservative media. However, without their willingness to challenge music and societal conventions, Korean hip-hop would not be where it is today. To date, Drunken Tiger has released eight albums and remain as Korea's most respected hip-hop...
London, UK-based Gallon Drunk is James Johnston (vocals, guitar, organ, piano, harmonica); Terry Edwards (saxophone, organ); Leo Kurunis (bass); and Ian White (drums). Formed in 1988, John Peel admired them, stating: "They don't sound like anyone else." Nick Cave said: "Gallon Drunk? Cool as fuck." The new Gallon Drunk album, THE ROAD GETS DARKER FROM HERE, will be released 7 May 2012 (UK) and 10 August 2012 (EU) on the Clouds Hill Records label. A new 7" single (vinyl), YOU MADE ME, will be released 16 April 2012 (UK only), including a new video. A UK tour is scheduled for...
ELECTRO| USA Raw Mechanics have spent most of there lives without sun, working in biomedical rooms, submerged by the sounds of fluid dynamics, exuding the pulsating energies of behavior organisms. Within the dark structures of there industrial complex, Raw Mechanics use every atom within there bodies to mold and construct the tools needed for man to survive in modern culture. Their success rate is almost 100 %. They have devoted there exsistense to the ever lasting rythm that surrounds them as they build cars, railroads, buildings, boats, bridges, construction equipment and much more. These sounds are a reflection of there...
There are two artists with the name Drunken Boat. 1.) Copping their name from a Rimbaud poem, New York's Drunken Boat emerged from the same downtown '80s scene that spawned Bongwater, King Missile and Hypnolovewheel. Led by poet Todd Colby and featuring the twin guitars of Steve Gross and Todd Serbousek, Drunken Boat merged Colby's literary sensibility with driving off-kilter indie rock. Drunken Boat, produced by ex-Hugo Largo leader Tim Sommer, teems with smart, concise songs characterized by Colby's passionate, aggro vocals, propulsive tom-heavy drumming by Colby's brother Michael and fine guitar work (Steve Gross and Todd Serbousek) throughout. While...