Melech Mechaya | tl

Melechesh is a Middle Eastern black metal band that originates from Jerusalem. Ashmedi started the band as a solo project in 1993. In the following year, guitarist Moloch and drummer Lord Curse were added to the line-up. The band’s goal was to create a type of black metal incorporating extensive Middle Eastern influences mainly based on Mesopotamian/Sumerian and occult themes (both musically and lyrically); the band invented the title "Mesopotamian metal" to best describe their type of metal. The band’s release in 1995 of the official demo As Jerusalem Burns... and 7" EP The Siege of Lachish attracted attention from...
Melech Mechaya is a festive journey through klezmer music, with some delicate and intimate moments. A journey through the yiddish tradition, with arab flavours, gypsy rythms, and simple beat dancing, from Hungary to Israel, from the Balcans to New York. A great party not recommended to those with heart problems! .