Hussein Al Adhami | tl

Hussein El Masry is a composer, singer and also a virtuoso oud player. Born in 1952 in Cairo, Egypt he studied in Cairo's Institute of Arab Music. He moved to Paris, France in 1977. He participated in the International Oud Meeting held on November 29th and 30th and December 1st 2002 which took place in the Municipal Theater of Kalamaria, Thessaloniki, Greece with Yurdal Tokcan, Simon Shaheen and Haig Yazdjian among other oud players. Actually he lives with his wife and daughter in Montpellier, France. Info gathered from: and .
Hussein Al A'dhami was born in Baghdad in 1952 into a family of musicians. After a stint as a policeman, he began his career as a singer and hymnist in 1973 integrating the Music Patrimony Group founded by the much missed Iraqi Lute master Mounir Bachir. In 1974 he became a soloist member of the Iraqi Radio-Television. Like many singers of Maqam, he has a dual musical background - profane and sacred. Having been trained in Koranic incantation (tajwid) and various types of calls to prayer (al azan) he directs an ensemble of sacred music that officiated at the Great...
The story surrounding Hussein Fatal's rise to fame is something straight out of classic American gangster flicks; a rags to riches story almost reminiscent of Brian DePalma's Scarface. Substitute a Cuban Tony Montana with an African American Bruce Washington, and cocaine with hip-hop, and both stories share similar patterns. A high-speed lifestyle, an "I don¹t give a fuck" attitude, greed, murder and an untimely fall. This is the story of a street hustler turned rapper, turned hustler, turned rapper again. Born Bruce Washington in 1977, Fatal was raised in Montclair, New Jersey, living with his mother, brother and four sisters....