Hot Lava | tl

VISIT Beloslava is one of the most successful jazz and blues singers in Bulgaria. Her debut album "Ulici" (aka "Streets") was released in 2001. Four years later (2005) came her second album - "Slushai me" (aka "Listen to me"), which leaded the music charts in Bulgaria for that period. Although her music is known as jazz/blues/R&B she also takes part in several songs of famous bulgarian rap singers. .
Mandalavandalz is a "suomisaundi"-style psychedelic trance project from Finland. It is the solo project of Texas Faggott's Tomo Tomatoeyes (Tim Thick), with and without Halluciano Powerotti (Pentti Slayer). Tim has also been active as a member of Flying Scorpions, Tea Chairs and others. Pentti has founded reggae label Fat Belt Records. They have played across the world - aside from Finland, they have played in Israel, Japan, India, Australia, USA, Mexico, New Zealand and further. The music is frenetic and deranged, crazy and bouncy, and is some of the most psychedelic psytrance out there. The group has collaborated with the...