Cordel do Fogo Encantado | tl

There are 4 artists named Cordelia: 1) Cordelia is a doujin circle in Japan whom Hana-tan (花たん) is part of. Their music cover many genre, from pop, electronic to jazz.They have been releasing several singles/albums. Their website : 2) Cordelia is an ensemble of 9 musicians from Denmark, Sweden and Norway, performing original music together since 2000. Their sound is dominated by the string-section of the group, and mixed together with more "traditional" jazz-instruments along with musicians with backgrounds in tango, jazz, classical and more - well, Cordelia is one of a kind. 3. Cordelia is an American hardcore...
the grandmother of rock n roll .
Cordel do Fogo Encantado was born under form of a mounted scenic-musical show in Arcoverde, Pernambuco, Brazil, birthplace of the group. The group consists of the vocalist and panderista Lirinha, the percussionists Emerson, Nêgo Henrique and Rafa Almeida and the guitarist Clayton. They mixed the musical tradition of the interior - the indigenous toré (inheritance of the tribe Xucuru), the coco, samba, de reisado, confused her and the singers' music - and the popular poetry of names as Chico Pedrosa, Manoel Filó, Manoel Chadu, Inácio of Catingueira and Zé da Luz. The premiere of the show happened in July of...