Charles Chaplin | tl

Ray Charles (Ray Charles Robinson, Albany, Georgia, September 23, 1930 - Beverly Hills, California, June 10, 2004), was an American singer-songwriter, musician, arranger, and band leader. As a rock and roll, rhythm & blues, soul, blues, jazz, country and pop musician he helped to shape the sound of rhythm & blues. He brought a soulful sound to everything from country music ("I Can't Stop Loving You") to rock and roll ("Mess Around"), to pop standards to a now-iconic rendition of "America the Beautiful." Frank Sinatra called him "the only genius in the business." Ray Charles was born in Albany, Georgia...
Charles Mingus (22nd April 1922 – 5th January 1979) was an American jazz bassist, composer, bandleader, and occasional pianist from Los Angeles. He was also known for his activism against racial injustice. Mingus' legacy is notable: he is ranked among the finest composers and performers in jazz, and recorded many highly regarded albums. Dozens of musicians passed through his bands and later went on to impressive careers. His songs - though melodic and distinctive - are not often recorded by later musicians, due in part to their unconventional nature. Mingus was also influential and creative as a bandleader, recruiting talented...
Charles Bradley is no stranger to hard times. Born in Gainesville, Florida in 1948 and raised in Brooklyn, New York, Charles spent the better part of his childhood living on the streets. One of the more optimistic moments of his childhood came in 1962, when his sister took him to see James Brown at The Apollo. Brown’s energy formed a lasting impression on Charles. He went home and immediately began practicing microphone tricks with a broom attached to a string, imitating the Godfather’s every move. With his newfound inspiration came an urgent desire to get off the streets and make...
François Chaplin trained at the Paris Conservatoire (CNSM) with the Bulgarian pianist Ventsislav Yankoff and with Jacqueline Robin (accompaniment and chamber music), and was unanimously awarded first prizes for piano and chamber music. He then followed the advanced course with Jean-Claude Pennetier. In 1987, he won the International Piano Competition in Senigallia (Italy), and received in 1989 the Mozart and Robert Casadesus Prizes at the International Competition in Cleveland. Those distinctions are the start of a brilliant international career. His recording of Debussy’s complete piano works has been unanimously acclaimed by the international press and has reaped many awards (Diapason...
Natagpuan 138 mga kanta, tagal: 09:38:58
Napoli March
Tango 'Bitterness'
Theme from Limelight
Hopes of Riches
Main Title Modern Times
The Sardine Song
Ballet Death of Columbine
Modern Times
OST "The Kid"
Charles Chaplin'с Time (Nihilum Remix )
Ballet Rehearsal
Lunchtime (Modern Times)
Canci N Sin Sentido / A Nonsense Song
Музыка из х/ф "Modern times" (1)
Charlie's Dance
07 Charlie Chaplin
09 Charlie Chaplin - Kid
Unveilling the statue
Dancing O Board Ship
Charlie Chaplin
City Lights (1931) - The Nightclub 4
Song From Modern Times (Titine) - Charles Chaplin
The Gold Rush
Spring song
His Morning Promenade
Smile (Charlie Chaplin)
Gold rush - Georgia
The Charleston theme
charles chaplin