До Скону | th

Московская группа РОНДО была образована в 1984 г., достаточно быстро выпустила первый удачный магнито-альбом Турнепс, популярность которого шла впереди группы, которую теперь иногда по ошибке фаны называли Турнепсом. РОНДО играло рок-н-ролл, хард-рок, очень интересные инструментальные джаз-рокозые композиции. Сменилось несколько вокалистов и клавишников, пока, наконец, на этих позициях не утвердились Александр Иванов и Евгений Рубанов. Группа достаточно успешно выступает на Рок-панорамах-86 и 87, но постепенно ее репертуар все больше смещается к незатейливым песням типа Ванька-встанька и Видео. Ее популярность падает. Группа в полном составе уходит or руководителя Михаила Литвина, который набирает новых музыкантов и некоторое время в Москве существует два РОНДО....
Воплi Вiдоплясова (translated as "Vidoplyasov's Yells", also known as "Вопли Видоплясова", "Vopli Vidopliassova" etc., usually abbreviated as "ВВ" or "VV") is a popular Ukrainian rock band. It was formed in 1986 in Kyiv, Ukraine. Their influences include folk, patriotic songs, punk, hard rock, heavy metal and, most recently, electronic music. They are considered to be a one of the most successful Ukrainian rock acts to date. .
Ivan Dorn is a Ukrainian singer and TV presenter and a former participant of the group A Pair of Normal (Пара Нормальных). He has focused on his solo career since 2010. Ivan Dorn was born on 17 October 1988 in Chelyabinsk, USSR. In 1990 he moved to Slavutych. By the second class he had the surname Eremin. Later his mother Lidia Dorn changed his surname to Dorn. He began acting at the age of 6 at the festival Golden Autumn of Slavutich. In 2006 he sang in a Moscow acapella duo, but soon decided to return to Ukraine to join...
Yazyk Dozhdya (in russian this name has two meanings: the tongue of the rain and the language of the rain) are a Russian progressive-post-rock band formed in 1994. They compose instrumental guitar-based pieces in the post-rock tradition. Their style has been influenced by such bands as The Cure, Joy Division, Tool, Pearl Jam, Mogwai, and Dave Matthews Band. It has easily identifiable connections to genres like shoegaze, progressive rock, art rock, and occasionally post rock. In summer 2009 "Rain Tongue" album was released on R.A.I.G. (www.raig.ru) Band Members are : Constantin Isaev (guitar, accordion) Aleksei Ivanov (vocals, guitar) Dmitry Bulavintsev...
Теодосий Спасов (Theodosii Spassov) is a notorious Bulgarian kaval (shepherd's pipe) virtuoso, noted for his unique playing technique. He was born on March 4th, 1961, in the Bulgarian town of Isperih. He began his early training on kaval at the Kotel Music School and The Academy of Music and Dance in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.The kaval, an eight-hole wooden "shepherd" flute, is one of the oldest Instruments in Europe, rich in tone and technical possibilities. Theodosii Spassov has developed his own unique style of playing the instrument by synthesizing traditional folklore with jazz, fusion and classical music. His first record was called...
พบ 33 เพลง, ระยะเวลา: 03:12:57
Ад (side-A)
2016 - Ад - side-B
Inexplicable Obsession
... And Darkness Was over the Surface of the Deep
Eschatological Hoax
Вороньё (Les Corbeaux)
Plague Requiem
Пепел мiра (Ashes of Creation)
The Primal Nether
... And Darkness Was Over The Surface Of The Deep
Final Judgment (Phosphorus Fire)
Eschatological Gangrene (Destroyed Katechon)
Plague Requiem
Inexplicable Obsession
Люциферианский Апофеоз
Drowning in Darkness
Dark Sky Of Carpathians
Black Soot
Final Judgment (Phosphorus Fire)
Eschatological Hoax
Чрево первобытной тьмы
Eschatological Gangrene (Destroyed Katechon)
Womb Of Primeval Darkness
When Heaving on the Stormy Waters
Uranium Golconda
Technocratic Necropolis
Frontier Justice
Storm From The Depths Of The Aeon
Womb Of Primeval Darkness
The Grin Of Cold Emptiness
Nectar of Bestial Passion
Primordial Evil That Came from Space