Stockholm Norra | th

Stockholm Pigs formed in the spring of 1995 and split up in early 1998. During that time they released a split CD with Deprophobia, a live 7" (Banned in Stockholm) and a 10" (Passed out on the floor fucking HC give me more), as well as a 1996 european tour with Paid. They claim they were banned from playing in Stockholm and Mariestad. Most of the members went on to other bands, such as Imperial Leather and Sunday Morning Einsteins. .
There are a couple bands with this name: 1. Stockholm is an Orlando, FL based pop band. This is their myspace: 2. stockholm is a one-person-songwriting-project between guitar and computer. homebase: bielefeld, west germany (2005) Visit: .
Stockholm Wrecking Crew is an electronic hardcore punk band, with strong EBM influences. Their music is fast and hard, with powerful shouting vocals. They have released a handful of demo tracks online since 2010. Their debut album is planned for a 2015 release on Eine Tasse Jäger Records. .
Stockholm Cyclo means electronic eclectic dancing. Its broken beats, jazzy house and acid techno hailing from those wonderful sounds of Detroit and Berlin. First single "Electronic Ghetto Twist" on the label Raw Fusion Recordings. First album "Beginning people" (2003) on Irma Records, and second album just released "Techtonic People" (2006) on Soundscape Records. .