Paulinho Nogueira | th

Paulo Artur Mendes Pupo Nogueira, or just Paulinho Nogueira (1929-2002), was an eclectic Brazilian composer and musician, with influences of Bossa Nova and classical music. A talented guitarist, in 1969 he designed a new musical instrument for himself: the Craviola, that later would be produced in a large scale and sold worldwide. .
Paulinho da Viola (born Paulo César Batista de Faria on November 12, 1942) is a Brazilian guitar, cavaquinho and bandolin player, known for his sophisticated harmonies and soft, gentle singing voice. Born in Rio de Janeiro to a family deeply rooted in the samba tradition, Paulinho met and befriended much of Rio's samba elite as a child. His father was a guitar player and musicians like Pixinguinha and Jacob do Bandolim would often come to his house for rehearsals, which Paulinho watched for hours on end. After the rehearsals, Paulinho would pick up his father's guitar and strum the few...