Klô Pelgag | th

1.AKLO is a Japanese rapper. He was born in Tokyo and grew up in Mexico. He is a half Mexican born to a Japanese mother and Mexican father. He is signed to O.Y.W.M. (One Year War Music) . He has three albums: The Package (2012), The Arrival (2014), Outside the Frame (2016) Official Website: https://www.aklo.jp/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/aklovision Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aklovision Instagram: http://instagram.com/aklovision Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYS3mk7wEJtAcuuzMdxRL-A 2. "AKLO is a music project rooted in the literary works of H. P. Lovecraft and the numberless writers he inspired--a body of work collectively termed the Cthulhu Mythos. The ideology of AKLO is that the unexplored...
Kut Klose was a R&B musical group from Atlanta, Georgia comprised of a trio of female singers. Kut Klose was discovered by Keith Sweat; he also produced the groups debut album Surrender. Kut Klose is best known for the hit single "I Like", which peaked to #8 on Billboard's "Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles". .
1) Klon is a Polish Dark Hardcore Punk band formed in 1995. They recorder their first tape in March 1998 but it was of poor quality. A second guitarist, Piotr, then joined the trio. (see website for a more comprhensive history. Or you can write it here yourself ;) ) http://www.north-east.punk.pl/ 2) Klon was an Alternative Rock band from Bucharest, Romania. Though it had a short life, the band managed to intrigue due to its good drive, beautiful vocals and lyrics. .
Berlin born DJ, producer and label owner Ben Klock is without a doubt one of the most significant characters in techno’s recent history. A resident at Berghain since its opening in 2004, he has been able to leave his mark on the club’s unique sound, in turn the special space influenced Klock’s approach as a DJ and producer as well. Playing techno sets full of hypnotic, deep and heavy grooves, releasing records on Ostgut Ton and last but not least the aesthetics of his own label Klockworks (founded in 2006), have earned him an excellent international reputation over the last...
Якщо точніше: український гурт, що живе і творить в Торонто – «Ключ» або за тамтешнім написанням Klooch. Кістяк команди становлять українці за походженням Юрко Михайлюк і Тарас Близнюк. Показовим є те, що лише в останні дні травня «ключі» оприлюднили першу у своєму репертуарі англомовну пісню «Beautiful» – до того канадська команда співала виключно українською. «Ключ» грає повністю сучасний північноамериканський поп-панк, але замішаний на нашій рідній мелодиці та співочій традиції. І хоча хлопці українською співають з помітним приємним акцентом, однак усвідомлюють себе саме як українська група. .