Caitlyn Hessell | th

Caitlyn Hessell's love affair with music began at an early age with her introduction to The Beatles, whose albums quickly helped her realize the power of music. Wanting to create her own sounds, she took up the piano at age 7, and realizing her passion for music, she shortly thereafter began classical training on the cello. At age 12 she attended a Jonny Lang concert where she discovered the rebellious nature of the blues, and tired of being limited by classical scales, she took up the electric guitar. The rest of her childhood was spent developing her song-writing craft, and...
พบ 13 เพลง, ระยะเวลา: 52:09
Always There (Toby Benson Remix)
March 6th 1am
Rusty Halo (EMU collaboration)
Always There (original)
Cheer Up, You're Not Dead Yet live on WERS radio
Happiness (2003 draft)
The Light Always Wins (draft)
You Have Me Still
always there (toby benson remix)