Art Fleury | th

As well as the CDs listed below, this artist also released a CD called '... to reach the other shore' which was on gears of sand recordings and released in 2003. On this CD he uses some field recordings as well as synthesised sound (one track has a the sound of a bunch of keys rattling). There is a distinct surreal element to this CD. The package consists of a plastic wallet with a folded paper insert with the track titles. The paper is heavily watermarked with swirling colourful markings. There is a small metal object in the wallet, like...
Art Fleury was born in Brescia, Northern Italy, in the mid-'70s. They were still in their teens when they had the opportunity to open for the group Area at the famous Parco Lambro Festival in Milan (1976), in front of fifty thousand people. In the following years they extensively toured and played with Henry Cow, and in 1980 they were finally able to produce and release their first record, I Luoghi del Potere ('The places of power'), which they started recording in 1977. Superficially (or intentionally) included in the 'prog' genre, I Luoghi del Potere (originally conceived as the soundtrack...