Just to get things started, and others will help refine this, I hope. George Mazonakis is a very established Greek singer, perhaps in his 40s now. His songs, always accompanied by cutting-edge videos, are amazing. He combines traditional Greek folk, contemporary techno, cutting-edge videography, hot models, great lyrics and hot acoustic licks. So he is hard to define. I will never be tired of him. .
Γιώργος Παπασιδέρης {Giorgos Papasideris} (1902–1977) was a Greek singer, composer, and lyricist of Arvanite origin. He was born on the 14th September 1902 on the island of Salamis, Greece. After leaving elementary school he spent his entire career working professionally in the field of traditional Greek folk music and Arvanite folk music, producing many popular recordings. He died of a heart attack on the 8th October 1977 on Salamis. .
Γιώργος Μαγκλάρας (Giorgos Maglaras) is a greek violinist. He was born in Nafpaktos in 1953. All the members of his family had a musical background. He studied at the Athens Conservatory. For many years he collaborated with all the best-known Greek composers and has many contributions in a number of albums. He worked on educational program under the supervision of the Athens Concert Hall. In 1994 he represented Greece in the International Jazz Festival that took place in Thessaloniki. In 1995, when Maglaras released his first album 'Trough Memories (LM002), Costas Yiannoulopoulos, wrote in one of the best Greek newspapers...
Γιώργος Παπαδόπουλος (Giorgos Papadopoulos) is a Cypriot singer who began its career in Cyprus. After 3 successful EPs he released his first album in both Greek and Cypriot market and started getting popularity also in Greece .