Tranqvillitas Maris | en

Marisol (o Pepa Flores, su nombre real) es una gran artista del cine y la música española y aunque esté retirada desde hace muchos años eso no hace más que aumentar su popularidad, entre sus seguidores y entre los que la recuerdan en las películas de su infancia. Inició su carrera en 1960, a los 12 años, en la película "Un rayo de luz", con un enorme éxito, no sólo en España sino a nivel internacional incluso en Japón. De ahí en adelante filmó alrededor de 15 películas, la mayoría como protagonista, con títulos como: Tómbola, Ha llegado un Angel,...
Marisela (born in Los Angeles, California) on April 24, 1966, is a Mexican-American singer. Known as "La Dama de Hierro", Marisela recorded her first album at the age of 15 in 1984 and continues to release albums into the twenty first century. Marisela's early career was helped immensely by the famous Mexican TV show of Siempre en Domingo by Raúl Velasco and then later expanding into the United States by the help of many other Spanish broadcasting shows such as Cristina, Don Francisco, Sábado Gigante, and many other televised shows famous in the 80's and 90's. Marisela's first record release...
Mariska Veres (1 October 1947 - 2 December 2006) was a Dutch singer who was best known as the lead singer of the rock group Shocking Blue, and member of the 'studio-group' Mistral. Her appearance was striking, featuring kohl cosmetic-lined eyes, high cheekbones, and long jet black wig. The story about the wig is an urban knows for sure...and never will:( .
Māris Šverns is the guitarist and vocalist of Baložu Pilni Pagalmi, an indie band from Latvia. He has also released solo material. .