Hamza El Din | en

Hamza est un rappeur belge, né en 1994, originaire de la ville de Bruxelles, en Belgique. Après un premier projet en groupe en 2012, il sort en décembre 2013 sa première mixtape gratuite intitulée Recto Verso alors qu'il n'a que 19 ans. C'est seulement sa seconde mixtape gratuite, H-24, sortie le 11 mai 2015, qui attirera sur lui le feu des projecteurs. Sa troisième mixtape, intitulée Zombie Life, est sortie le 24 juin 2016 sur les plateformes de téléchargement légal. Il publie le 24 octobre 2016 New Casanova, un EP aux accents dancehall 2.0. Hamza conclut l'année 2016 avec la...
Hamza El Din {حمزة علاء الدين} (b. Toshka, Egypt, July 10, 1929 - d. Berkeley, California, May 22, 2006) was a Nubian oud player, tar player, and singer. Born on 10th July 1929 in the Egyptian village of Toshka, near Wadi Halfa, he originally trained to be an electrical engineer. El Din changed direction and began to study music at the Cairo University, continuing his studies at the Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia in Rome. His performances attracted the attention of the Grateful Dead, Joan Baez, and Bob Dylan in the 1960s, which led to a recording contract and to...
Hamza Namira (حمزة نمرة) started playing Music in Alexandria, Egypt, when he was 17. With this early age, he started composing as a consequence of his great love to Guitar and Keyboards. 1999 Hamza became a member in "Love & Peace" band. Till today Hamza still admits Mr. Nabil Albaklie –The band founder- great impact on his music and life in General. "Nomaira" –A 5 members' band- was founded on the year 2001, by Hamza himself. The band had performed many live concerts, and used to participate in Musical contests and festivals. Although the band started to be well-known, especially...
Sheikh Hamza Shakkur (also spelled Chakour, born in Damascus, 1947) is a muqri (Qur'an reader) and a munshid (hymnodist). He is the disciple of Saïd Farhat and Tawfiq al-Munajjid. His task is to assure the continuity of the repertory proper to the Sufi Mawlawiya order. He is the choir master of the Munshiddin of the Great Mosque in Damascus and serves at official religious ceremonies in Syria, where he is immensely popular. Shaykh Hamza is an impressively large, charismatic figure. His bass voice with its richly rounded timbre has made him one of the foremost performers of Arab singing. His...
Found 50 songs, duration: 07:31:04
Muwashshah (OST Carlos)
The Spirit/Shortunga
A Song Of The Nile (1982) " Full Album"
El Hilwatu
Allah Hu Akbar
A Song Of The Nile (1982) " Full Album"
Gala 2000
Malish Inwan
Bint Baladna
The Water Wheel
Your Love is Ever Young
Ollin Azageed
I Remember
Ollin Arageed
Helalisa (Nubian Song)
Ollin Arageed ("Passion in the Desert" OST)
Bint Baladna
Mwashah (Lamma Bada Yatathana)
Hoi To Irkil Faiu (The Message Bearer)
Arafa (Sudan)
Arafa (Sudan)
Helalisa (Nubian Song)
Hamza el-Din (Live 1978-10-22)
Hamza El Din-Greetings
Gala 2000 (Sudan)
Sudan - Muwashshah - Gala 2000
Hamza El Din
Sudan - Songs of the Nile - Ar