Forsaken Corpse | en

Formed in Buffalo, NY in 1988, Cannibal Corpse helped found, manipulate and transcend the very boundaries of death metal beginning with the scandalously controversial debut, Eaten Back To Life. Raising the eyebrows of inquisitive metal fans and incensed parents and politicians, the record - produced by Scott Burns at the now renowned Morrisound Studios - was more extreme and confrontational than anything the Death Metal genre had ever known. As a result of the band's gruesome cover art, grisly lyrics and song titles like "Hammer Smashed Face," "Meat Hook Sodomy" and "Addicted To Vaginal Skin," follow-up records Butchered At Birth...
There a number of artists named Forsaken: 1) Forsaken is an epic doom metal band from Fgura, Malta. They formed in 1990 and are currently signed with I Hate Records. 2) Forsaken is a thrash metal/crossover thrash band from Wales, UK. Formed in 2011. First demo "No Peace" was released in February 2012. They released a second demo tape in February 2013 through Neutral Words Records which sold out in a few weeks. They have just released a new 7" record called 'Amongst gods, Below Man' which was also released via Neutral Words Records. You can listen to the tracks...
"Corpsessed was spawned from putrescent slime in 2007, after the dissolution of an earlier project Skullfucker... Vocalist Niko Matilainen (Skullfucker), guitarist Matti Mäkelä (Tyranny, Wormphlegm) and drummer Jussi-Pekka Manner (Skullfucker, Pohjoinen Kuri) were joined by guitarist Jyri Lustig (Cardinals Folly) and (de)composing of morbid death metal tunes began at the rotting houses of Järvenpää delta-area... The group's original bassplayer Mikko Mäkelä disappeared in unknown circumstances, but was replaced later in 2009 by Mikko Pöllä (Azure). Corpsessed's first EP is soon to be unleashed! CD version by Dark Descent Records (USA), vinyl version by Ostra Records (France)." Line-up: N. Matilainen -...
Forsaken World was born in August 2010. « Flyshredd » and « Dyp » met each other at the MAI (Music Academy International), tastes and passion (and humor!) of the two comrades makes them more closer, and each appreciates the work of the other, so a collaboration was required … The Music breathes Nordic Melodic Death Metal influences with his catchy melodies, but also a lot of sharped riffs that are borrowed of the Metalcore/Deathcore scene and his devastating rhythms. All coupled with a Voice who is aggressive and wicked, but also handle intense feelings, and it’s especially varied. Duo...
In a few words Deathrock, Psychobilly, and Death Metal might begin to describe this band. Only Because of the strong influence of horror on these three genres, there exists considerable overlaps however none of these genres define this band. The Lurking Corpses are some other monster altogether. The Flesh of this beast has been fused together with nightmarish stitching and the rotting innards may pay a bit of homage to those of the past. How this monstrosity has been brought to life I can not explain however You have been warned. Resurrected from the corpses of Samhain, Misfits, Mercyful Fate...
Found 7 songs, duration: 29:07
Forsaken Corpse (Clip)
Forsaken Corpse [Russian Deathstep Community]
Corpse Eater
Unleashed (Forsaken Corpse Remix)
Hymn Of The Sickness
Why so serious?
Hit Me [Eat Me]