DJ Silencer vs Zycro | en

There are several artists named Silencer: 1) Silencer was a Swedish suicidal black metal band formed in 1995. They released one album Death - Pierce Me before splitting up. The album had a major impact on the Swedish underground scene at the time, and arguably helped certain bands in the scene to form. The band has been the subject of much controversy, mainly because of several allegations made against their vocalist Nattramn, who was supposedly institutionalized shortly after the album was released, thus forcing the band to split up. On June 1st, 1998, Silencer released a demo of Death -...
There are three recorded bands with this name. 1. The Silencers from Scotland have existed since the late 1980s. They were formed from the ashes of the 1980s band Fingerprintz. The Silencers began their career with the 1987 album A Letter from St Paul. Although they had a couple of hits in their early career, the band were not rewarded with commercial success until the Scottish Tourist Board featured their version of the traditional "Wild Mountain Thyme", a hit which surprised everyone concerned. 2. The Silencers is a 1980s band from the United States, which produced just one album. 3....