Đani Maršan | ru

Éric Demarsan (aka Éric de Marsan), born on October 2, 1938 in Paris, is a French film score composer. After working as arranger for composers Michel Magne then François de Roubaix (including on Le Samouraï) he scored L'Armée des ombres (aka Army of Shadows) in 1969 then Le Cercle rouge (aka The red circle) in 1970 , both by director Jean-Pierre Melville. After that, he scored numerous movies for other great directors like Jean-Pierre Mocky, Costa-Gavras or Patrice Leconte. Éric Demarsan also composed many songs, the Pop Symphony album under pseudonym Jason Havelock, as well as some musics for sound...
Đani Maršan is a croatian musician, born 23rd of June, 1944. in Zadar. He served as a merchant navy officer for two years. In 1969. he graduated on College for foreign trade in Zagreb. He acitvely speaks English and Italian, and also uses German, Russian and Albanian language. Till now he he had recorded and released about 30 EPs, ten albums and five CDs. With Croatian, he also records on Italian, English and German. He is the author of lyrics and music for more than 80 songs. He has been rewarded often, most from professional music juries, on Croatian festivals...
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