oh condor | ru

"Spawned somewhere between the colored crystal rock caves of Preston and the elegant seaside hostility of Blackpool, the Condor Moments have seamlessly reinvented a music of ritual suicide and crack-party dengue fever. The group was formed in 1985 by keyboardist/singer Richy Midnight and drummer The Real David Grey from the still warm embers of the anarcho-pop theorists Cheap Kojak. Using tiki torches and water balloons the duo started writing some of the most challenging campfire songs to hit the dirt since Casey and the Sunshine Acid Blues Crawlers. Later joined by the miraculous bass player Gregory Pex they were now...
This L.A. foursome are great high-force power-pop/garage rockers with songs so catchy, they seem to echo from bygone fertile eras. Perhaps they do, since they're penned and sung by Pat DiPuccio, known for 30 years as Pooch, co-founder of the late Flipside fanzine. Our Pooch-y writes with the standards of someone who has inhaled this stuff for decades, but his band hits like 20-somethings that mag fervently covered. One detects a dose of 1978-1987 Saints in the soul horns of "Set Me on Fire" (more next time!), and like the Condors' debut Tales of Drunkenness and Cruelty EP (named after...
Norwegian Thrash Metal http://www.myspace.com/condornorway .
Condor44 - группу сравнивают с Sonic Youth и Yo La Tengo, что можно было бы назвать комплиментом, но не для них, фактически трио отрицает влияние этих групп на творчество, даже говоря в интервью, что не слушают их (но это не мешает фанатам группы называть их "японскими Sonic Youth и Yo La Tengo"). Сondor44 - играют indie rock, включающий в себя причудливую смесь из low-fi и post-rock, и иногда noise rock. Сondor44 - собрались в августе 1998 года, когда гитарист/вокалист Сасаки встретил в колледже барабанщика Аджиима. Испытывая недостаток в басисте, они приняли в группу однокашницу Ишиду (до этого, она не играла...
Найдено 3 песни, продолжительность: 10:14
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