The Mongrel Jews | ru

Проект Mongrel был создан бывшим участником Arctic Monkeys Энди Николсоном, действующим барабанщиком той же группы Мэттом Хелдерсом, вокалистом Reverend and the Makers Джоном Маклюром, басистом Babyshambles Дрю Макконнеллом и рэпером Lowkey из хип-хоп коллектива Poisonous Poets. .
Marek Andrzejewski (born 1971 ) is a Polish poet, singer and composer. His music can be classified as poezja spiewana. He is a member of Federacja (formerly known as Lubelska Federacja Bardów). He won the first prize at the Student Song Festival in Kraków in 1994. He also won the Recitals Festival in Siedlce twice. .
The Jews Brothers Band is klezmer in a sense in that it is an amalgam of influences some of which could be termed Jewish just as Eastern European music of the late 19th and early 20th century was an amalgam of much music of Eastern Europe including Jewish This mix was further diluted or enhanced, depending on your viewpoint, in New York City in the 1910s to 40s and became something new. We like to think that we are continuing in this tradition with the Jews Brothers Band creating a new sound though now of course the entire planet is...
Alicja Majewska (born May 30, 1948) is a Polish singer. In 1971 to 1974 she was a member of the band Partita as vocalist. In 1975 she received the main award at the National Festival of Polish Song in Opole. She was awarded a Grand Prix at the 1980 on festival in Rostock, and was honored in Havana (1985). She received medal "Gloria Artis". Discography: 1976 Bywają takie dni 1987 Piosenki Korcza i Młynarskiego 1989 For New Love 1991 Kolędy w teatrze STU - with Halina Frąckowiak and Andrzej Zaucha 1994 Jeszcze się tam żagiel bieli - The best of...
Scrapyard Mongrels is one of the few groups created by GTA2's audio team. Their only song serves as the background music for the end credits in GTA2. .