The Centuries | ru

Centuries is a hardcore punk band from West Palm Beach, FL formed in April 2008. They have released several demos, Nightmares Cassette (Reversal Records), Creation/Extinction 7" (Hold Tight! Records) a Split 7" w/ Homestretch (Dimlight Records) and a Split 7" w/ Patsy O'Hara (This Charming Man Records). Centuries is also an ambient act in the UK. Australian hardcore band with the songs Verses and Hollow Structure. .
4 piece band from Kiev, Ukraine. Playing post-hardcore\alternative. Strength through hope. Hope through faith! Eugene Lesnevsky - Vocals Marty McFly - Guitar Denis Crasnyansky - Bass Alex Popel - Drums Like Us: Follow Us: VK: Twitter: SoundCloud: Contact us: [email protected] .
Немецкая Viking Metal-группа XIV Dark Centuries ("14 Темных Веков") создана в 1998 году в Тюрингии. В состав группы вошли: Michel (вокал), Marley (бас-гитара), Roman (гитара), Uwe (гитара), Tobi (клавишные), Rüd (ударные). Первой работой стало демо "For Your God" в 1998 году, после которого последовали концерты с Menhir и Apokalyptischen Reitern. В 2000 году группа выступила на PartySan Open Air. В июне 2002 года была закончена запись второго демо-диска, "Dunkle Jahrhunderte", содержащего новые и ранее неизданные песни. С конца 2002 года по март 2003 года XIV Dark Centuries вели работу в студии. Шла запись первого полноформатного альбома под названием "...den Ahnen...
Formed January 2010 in the Northern GTA, broke up soon after, never to make a recording again as that band. Fast forward to 2013, Centuries Apart returns with a new EP entitled ‘HONOUR’ and debut single ‘PRECONSCIOUS’ in the very near future. This will be the first material released since their debut ‘MALACHI’ EP in 2010. Original vocalist Kyle Anderson and multi-instrumentalist Michael Leo Valeri (currently of THE NORTHERN/ASCARIASIS) thought long and hard about how to build on the tonal and lyrical resonance of ‘MALACHI’, ultimately deciding the goal of the project was not an attempt to revisit previous successes...