Shadow Laughter | ru

"Shadows" – практически единственная английская инструментальная группа, добившаяся мирового успеха. В 1958 году Хэнк Марвин и Брюс Велч приехали из Ньюкасла в Лондон в составе "Railroaders". Возвращаться обратно они не стали, а пристроились в группу Пита Честера "Five chesternuts". В то время менеджер Клиффа Ричарда искал лидер-гитариста в сопровождающий состав, и хотел пригласить Тони Шеридана, но остановил свой выбор на Хэнке и Брюсе. В "The drifters" (так называлась команда Ричарда) играл также Терри "Джет" Харрис (бас). В феврале 1959-го ударника Терри Смарта сменил Тони Михан, завершивший формирование классического состава группы. "Drifters" не только сопровождали Ричарда на гастролях, но также пытались...
After having played together for a year and a half and released a 5-song demo, in a band with the name Allsherjar, Karg (vocals), Joel (drums), Linus (guitar), Joakim (keyboard) and Jörundr (bass) decided to take on an extra guitar player, consequently, Zharlie joined the band during Fall 2002, however, the music progressed and changed so drastically that a change of name felt necessary, thus the name Shadows of Paragon was embraced. Five songs were chosen and during Summer 2003 the recording of Shadows' first demo/EP began. The goal was to release the demo/EP at the metal festival Bobfest in...
AK Slaughter is some real whack shit from Baltimore. It's Emily doing rap and Aran doing rap and beats and also some scratch. It's not stupid, it's smart. They tell the truth all the time and never lie. It's pro-sex and pro-tools. If you think it is just total garbage come to my house @ 108 N. Rose st, baltimore, md 21224 and say it to my face. AK .
Найдено 16 песни, продолжительность: 42:50
Crimes of Shadow Laughter Against Light [pt. 1]
Shadow Laughter
The Shadow's Laughter
Mental Prison
Nightmare Future II
Nightmare Future
Violent Propaganda
laughter between us
Cyborg Control
3. Thee Shadow Wood: Refuse this Laughter
Thee Shadow Wood: Refuse This Laughter
Thee Shadow Wood: Refuse this Laughter
Thee Shadow Wood: Refuse this Laughter
Middle School Nazi Punk (Collin's Song)