Sanne Huisman | ru

Rosanne Cash (born May 24, 1955) is an American singer-songwriter and author. She is the eldest daughter of country music icon Johnny Cash and his first wife, Vivian Liberto Cash Distin. Although Cash is often classified as a country artist, her music draws on many genres, including folk, pop, rock and blues. In the 1980s, she had a string of chart-topping singles, which crossed musical genres and landed on both C&W and Top 100 charts, the most commercially successful being her 1981 breakthrough hit "Seven Year Ache", which topped the U.S. country singles charts and reached the Top 30 on...
Susanne Lundeng is a Norwegian violinist/fiddler with roots in the northern of Norway. She combines tradition with elements of rock, jazz, art music and influences from music of all the world. .
Родившаяся в Дании, Сюзанне Георги начала петь в возрасте 8 лет вместе со своей сестрой Перниллой. В 12 лет, дуэт, первоначально известный как «SuPer Sisters», а затем получивший закрепившееся за ним название «Me & My» подписал первый контракт и выпустил два альбома на датском языке. Сестры пробовали попасть на Евровидение 1991, но Сюзанне в этот год исполнилось лишь 15 - поэтому ее не допустили до конкурса. Песня, которую они должны были бы исполнить, в итоге заняла 2е место в национальном отборе Дании. Прорыв к Me & My пришел с песней «Dub I Dub». Она стала одним из самых известных хитов...
Gorgeous deep electronica from Austrian composer now based in NYC. Veers from scratchy, minimal techno to widescreen analogue pools of sound, with music out on Disko b and more recently, Chicks On Speed. Her latest album 'Emerald Stars' is a beautiful journey into warm abstract soundscapes. And it has a fantastic cover of David Bowie's 'Heroes'. Really, she sounds like no-one else. I can't recommend it enough. .
Найдено 2 песни, продолжительность: 04:30