Ramona 23 I Kowal | ru

There are at least five artists that have recorded under the name of Ramona. - Ramona- U.S. Rhythm and Blues/Soul singer, former member of The Johnny Otis Show - Ramona (aka Ramona Wulf) Germany - Ramona - Canada - Ramona - U.K. - Ramona - Mexico 1. Ramona (who records under her first name only), was born Ramona Smith in Los Angeles, Ca., (no date given in her bio), and is a blues and soul belter who got her lucky break in the mid-1980’s when the legendary Johnny Otis recruited her for his revue. She can be heard on the...
After his debut album, Through the Cardial Window (Kranky, 2006), Kowalsky began composing and performing electro-acoustic music using cassette tapes loops, sine oscillators, mixer feedback, analog synths, contact-mics and various acoustic instrumentation with a focus on multi channel, site-specific works with elements of psychoacoustic phenomena. He is most known for his Tape Chants series, which explores the acoustics where the performances occur by setting up cassette players around the space with tape loops tuned to sine waves using only the cassette players’ speakers for amplification. Kranky released the first recorded version of Tape Chants in 2009. In 2011 he was...
Ramona Rey родом из Грифиц (Польша). Там закончила школу и начала свой романс с музыкой. В своем родном городе создала первую группу, с которой сиграла несколько концертов. В 2002 году выступила (пела и танцевала) в мьюзикле "Цветы в волосах", который показывал один из центральных польских каналов TVN. Крутым поворотом в ее подходе к музыке стала, однако, встреча с Игорем Чернявским - русским композитором, живущим постоянно в Польше - создателем многих культовых проектов. Уже несколько лет этот тандем работает в частной студии, создавая все новые произведения. .
The Ramonas have been formed in honour of the Ramones. Clare from AntiProduct is a huge (no pun intended) fan and after having backed up Marky Ramone as Johnny at the Underworld in England, became obsessed with the idea of forming her own Ramones tribute band so she could always play more Ramones songs and help keep the memory of her favourite band alive, but with the twist of being an all girl band - girls in skimpy clothing with big boots rocking hard and playing Ramones songs is the recipe for a great night out in anyone's books. Due...