Ralph Peterson | ru

Оскар Эммануэль Питерсон (англ. Oscar Emmanuel Peterson, 15 августа 1925 - 23 декабря 2007) был четвертым ребенком в многодетной семье служащего монреальской железной дороги. Музыкой здесь увлекался не только Оскар: его отец музицировал на пианино, а сестра Дейзи даже давала уроки. С 14 лет мальчик стал звучать в эфире радиостанций и просил отца разрешить ему бросить школу. На что тот ответил, что не позволит ему оставить учебы ради судьбы обычного джазового исполнителя: «Ты должен быть лучшим, второго варианта тут нет». Оскар это наставление запомнил. Этот плотно сбитый паренек, изгнанный в свое время из колледжа, буквально ворвался на мировую сцену, появившись...
Ralph Duren "Ralphie" May (February 17, 1972 – October 6, 2017) was an American stand-up comedian and actor. May first got into comedy after he entered and won a talent show while still in high school. The prize of the talent show was the right to open for Sam Kinison. After graduating from Clarksville High School in Clarksville, Arkansas, he then moved to Houston, Texas to perfect his comedy, and then to Los Angeles, where he has worked as an actor, writer, and producer. May entered the public eye when he appeared in the first season of the reality television...
Ralph Gean has been writing, performing and recording his own unique variety of off-beat Rock, Rockabilly and Country songs since the late 1950s. As an early ‘60s contemporary of first-wave Rock n’ Roll acts like Roy Orbison and Glenn Campbell, Gean achieved a measure of regional success in Texas, cutting several 45s and receiving vigorous support from local radio. Unfortunately, just as he was rising to what was sure to be national stardom, The Beatles stormed America, and the “British invasion” that followed all but eliminated the market for Gean’s home-grown Rock n’ Roll, causing his career to fall-apart almost...
An exciting, serpentine solo maker in the mold of Don Cherry -- Peterson has chops but leaves precision to the wind in favor of spontaneous eruptions of melody. Peterson has a more well-rounded technique than Cherry, however, and plays with greater force. Unlike many contemporary free jazz players, Peterson is adept at older styles; he's played under such adventurous yet tradition-bound bandleaders as Rahsaan Roland Kirk, Gil Evans, and Elvin Jones, and with such dyed-in-the-wool avant-gardists as Roswell Rudd, Ken McIntyre, and Deidre Murray. As a youth, Peterson learned drums and cornet. He attended North Texas State University from 1967-1969...
Ralph Henry Kirshbaum (born April 4, 1946) is an American cellist currently living in England.The rare cello that Ralph Kirshbaum plays was crafted in 1729 by the Italian maker Domenico Montagnana and once belonged to the 19th century virtuoso, Piatti. Ralph Kirshbaum's father was a professional violinist, music educator and conductor; his mother was a harpist. Kirshbaum started cello lessons with his father at age of six. During his career he has performed solos with major orchestras worldwide, won prizes in several international competitions, and recorded extensively. His special love for the Elgar Concerto dates from his memorable televised performance...
Найдено 116 песни, продолжительность: 12:45:30
Train Whistle
The Art Of War
Further Fo
One False Move
Four in One
Blues In The Pocket
Just for Today
Freight Train
Portrait of Jenny
Coming Home
Smoke Rings
Monkin' Around
One False Move
Keep It Simple
Played Twice
Ralph Peterson feat.Geri Allen _ Move
Addison And Anthony
Song of Serenity
Enemy Within
The Duality Perspective
Impervious Gems
For All My Tomorrows
Turn It Over
Well You Needn't