Pr Marco Feliciano | ru

Real Name: Marc Dearen Mark's sound is fresh and energetic. His style ranges from blistering hard trance to full on epic trance anthems. Operating under a number of alias's Mark is a diverse producer that manages to effortlessly switch form one style to the next. As EUPHIONIC Mark concentrates on the more mainstream euphoric edge to his sound and has produced a number of vocal projects with Lisa Abbot. His MUZIKMAN releases are an outlet for his more experimental projects. While as MARCOS he produces tracks for techie harder end of the trance spectrum. He has proven himself as capable...
Он буквально "взорвал" музыкальный мир Италии. Таких феерических взлетов не было давно! Харизматичный красавец и щедро одаренный музыкант, Марко Менгони с большим отрывом победил на итальянском конкурсе талантов X-Factor в 2009-м, а потом стал и Лучшим европейским артистом в 2010-м. Он родился 25 декабря 1988 года в Рончильонэ, провинция Витербо, маленький рождественский подарок для мамы Нади и папы Маурицио. Петь начал совсем рано, сначала, стесняясь, в караоке, а когда родные и друзья услышали, что у ребенка талант, отдали его в школу пения Blera, где он учился у Барбары Джилони. Как признался сам Марко, главной музыкальной любовью у него всегда был...
Marconi Union - это британский музыкальный проект, созданный Ричардом Тэлботом (Richard Talbot), Джейми Кроссли (Jamie Crossley) и Дунканом Мидоусом (Duncan Meadows). Группа совмещает в своей музыке различные элементы электроники, эмбиента, джаза и даба. Их также сравнивают с Talk Talk, Sigur Rós и Boards of Canada. .
Marco Zenker was born in 1988 in munich bavaria. After several years of successful skateboarding and cutting his own videos, he went to his first techno party, at the age of 17, to the marvelous harry klein club in munich. Influenced by his brother Dario Zenker, he was directly infected by dancing with a crowd and feeling the vibe of electronic beats. Just a few months later he started his first own productions, which are pretty dark and glibby - zenker style. He learns fast as hell and bumps out one track after another. His first official release will be...
With an intense love and enthusiasm for every aspect of the music business – from producing to songwriting to deejaying to engineering – Demarco has his fingers on the pulse of almost every genre of the infectious rhythms of the world. Whether it’s reggae, dancehall, hip-hop, R&B, Demarco has written and produced for the best of them. Top names like Olivia, Styles P and Sean Paul have experienced his producing skills, while Bounty Killer and others have put vocals to his lyrics…and in between all that Demarco still finds time to do combinations with other artistes and record his own...