Paweł Bokun | ru

Павел Блащак (польск. Paweł Błaszczak) - польский композитор, автор саундтреков к играм. В 1995 Павел Блащак и Адам Скорупа образовали компанию «gamesXsound». Эти композиторы - авторы к известной ролевой игре "Ведьмак" (польс. "Wiedźmin"). Ещё одна из известных игр, к которым Павел Блащак писал музыку - "Хром" (англ. "Chrome", 2003 г.) .
Marko Bokun is one of these highly talented musicians and producers who kept working behind the hypes & scenes for a lot of years. So it’s even more amazing that many well-known producers have used his work and samples without actually knowing him. His samples were used by bands like Duplex Inc. or Blank & Jones and his music was performed in numerous TV broadcasts as well. The reason for working more or less in the background at that time was that Bokun had found his purpose and satisfaction as an artist by making samplelybaries for producers for several years....
Существует по крайней мере два исполнителя с таким именем. 1) Павел Шиманьский (род. 1954) — современный польский композитор. Подробнее: 2) Павел Шиманьский — польский автор-исполнитель песен. Подробнее: .