Nik Mercer | ru

James Mercer is currently the lead singer/songwriter for the Shins and Broken Bells, a project with DJ Danger Mouse (Gnarls Barkley, producer of Beck and Gorillaz). Prior to The Shins and Broken Bells, he was the lead singer/songwriter of Flake, which later became Flake Music. There is a rare solo recording on January 7, 2004 of Mercer doing some private recordings of hit songs by his band The Shins for a radio station. .
Джон (Джонни) Херндон Мерсер (John Herndon "Johnny" Mercer, 18 ноября 1909, Саванна, Джорджия, США — 25 июня 1976). Американский поэт-песенник, композитор и певец. Прежде всего Мерсер известен как лирик, автор полутора тысяч песен 1930 — 1950-х годов, которые стали одними из самых известных хитов того времени. Многие из них были написаны для популярных в те годы кинокартин и бродвейских шоу. Помимо этого он нередко выступал в качестве композитора и исполнителя своих песен. За свою музыкальную карьеры Мерсер 12 раз выдвигался на премию Американской киноакадемии и четырежды становился лауреатом «Оскара». Мерсер также является одним из основателей студии звукозаписи «Capitol Records» .
Mabel Mercer (3 February 1900 – 20 April 1984) was an English-born cabaret singer who performed in the United States, Britain, and Europe with the greats in jazz and cabaret. She was a featured performer at Chez Bricktop in Paris, owned by the legendary hostess Bricktop, and performed in such clubs as Le Ruban Bleu, Tony's, the RSVP, the Carlyle, the St. Regis Hotel, and eventually her own room, the Byline Club. Among those who frequently attended Mercer's shows was Frank Sinatra, who made no secret of his emulating her phrasing and story-telling techniques. Mercer was born in Burton upon...
Mercer, is an Electronic DJ/Producer from Paris, France .
Glenn Mercer is the former lead singer/guitarist/composer of the Feelies, the influential, Hoboken-based band. Glenn's music has been featured in the films Married to the Mob, Something Wild, Prelude to a Kiss, the Truth About Charlie and the Squid & the Whale. Glenn's television credits include Dawson's Creek, Party of Five and the Real World. He has recorded with the Trypes, Yung Wu, the Willies and Wake Ooloo. His first-ever solo record, Wheels In Motion, was released by Pravda Records on June 5, 2007. .