Mountains Crave | ru

Back in a simpler time there was no indie, no emo, no nu-rave. No post-this, post-that, post-whatever the hell else. There was just riff-laden, ballsy rock ‘n’ roll; huge songs, life-changing gigs and a whole world of noisy, gutsy fun that took people out of their dreary everyday lives and made them feel truly special. It’s from this effervescent historical well that the UK’s most charismatic young band draw their inspirations. But this is no retro pastiche, these boys are young, hungry and bringing anthemic rock songwriting flailing and wailing into the 21st century. The past 3 years have seen...
"Bands with expansive names evoking strong imagery rarely live up to their monikers. Fortunately in the case of Mountains for Clouds, we have a band that lives up to their title. Composing huge, soaring pieces that build and layer into a delicate beauty so fragile it threatens to break at a the drop of a pin. While most bands would take this step too far, Mountains for Clouds are masters of their craft, reigning in or pulling the intensity of their music like it was clay in their hands." - Count Your Lucky Stars "With roots back to Midland, Michigan,...
Американская поп-рок-группа, образованная в 1999 году фолк-певцом и автором песен из Бирмингема, штат Алабама, Питером Брэдли Адамсом (Peter Bradley Adams) и вокалисткой Кэт Маслич-Боде (Kat Maslich-Bode). В 2003 году, после заключения контракта с DreamWorks Records, «Eastmountainsouth» выпускают свой дебютный одноимённый альбом. В «Eastmountainsouth» вошли 15 композиций, аранжированные без излишеств и каких бы то ни было, присущих поп-музыке клише. После распада дуэта в 2004 году Кэт и Питер занялись сольной карьерой. .
2008-Present Atmospheric, sludge, metal band Mountains Among Us formed in early 2008 featuring members of From Oceans To Autumn. Our first album "True North" was released in late 2008 followed by "Believer" in 2009. In late 2011 we released a new ep "Away With Words" that showcased a more atmospheric/blues sound incorporated in the mix. 2012 will see the band return with their heaviest material and first full length in 4 years. .
Найдено 5 песни, продолжительность: 01:12:47
As We Were When We Were Not (2017)
These Spirits Listen
Watcher by the Threshold
River, Breeze, Soil and Flame
I en Hall Med Flesk og Mjød