L Ron Hubbard | ru

L. Ron Hubbard was the founder of Scientology. He released one album, "Space Jazz", and numerous taped promotional materials. Hubbard also sang and appeared on the Apollo Stars LP The Power of Source, and posthumously contributed the song "L'Envoi (Thank You For Listening)" on the 1986 Scientology pop album The Road to Freedom. .
Frederick Dewayne Hubbard родился в Индианаполисе, 07.04.38; умер в Шерман Оукс, Калифорния, 29.12.2008. Один из величайших джазовых трубачей и флюгельгорнистов всех времен, Фредди Хаббард (хард- и постбоп, фьюжн, джаз-фанк) сформировал свой саунд в русле традиций Клиффорда Брауна и Ли Моргана и уже в начале 70-х годов был достаточно отчетливо различим в джазовой панораме того времени. Правда, следует отметить, что ряд крикливо-коммерческих альбомов, выпущенных им в последующие годы десятилетия, несколько подпортил репутацию музыканта, и в начале 90-х годов, когда после смерти Диззи Гиллеспи и Майлса Дэвиса именно Freddie Hubbard мог бы претендовать на роль мэтра-ветерана, колебания курса, допущенные им прежде, доставили...
Rob Hubbard (born 1956, Kingston upon Hull, England) is a music composer for several microcomputers of the 1980s, especially the Commodore 64. Hubbard went on to write or convert themes for games such as Monty on the Run, Crazy Comets, Master of Magic and Commando. Some of his most famous tunes include also Thrust, Spellbound, Sanxion, Auf Wiedersehen Monty and Ricochet. The game Knucklebusters includes Hubbard's longest tune that is 17 minutes long. The loading music for Sanxion, "Thalamusik" (named after Thalamus, the software house that published the game) still remains a strong favourite among his fans to this day....
Australian band. Melbourne based. No longer performing / writing together. Former lead singer is now known as Alex Lloyd. More bluesy rock than Alex's current stuff. Some familiar lyrics as they've been re-hashed for his Black the Sun and other releases. Album title "You Me Him She" Picture above incorrect at today's date - 3/11/08 .