Junkyard Dogs | ru

The Winery Dogs (рус. «Винные собаки») — американская супергруппа, созданная в Нью-Йорке в 2011 году барабанщиком Майком Портным, басистом Билли Шихэном и гитаристом Ричи Коценом. История группы началась в 2011 году, когда барабанщик Майк Портной (Dream Theater, Adrenaline Mob) решил собрать новый музыкальный проект в формате трио. В должности басиста был утверждён Билли Шихэн (Mr. Big, группы Дэвида Ли Рота и Стива Вая), а на должность поющего гитариста был приглашён Джон Сайкс (Whitesnake, Thin Lizzy, Blue Murder, Tygers of Pan Tang). Во время работы над музыкальным материалом Сайкс был уволен из группы. Причиной этому событию стал разный подход музыкантов к...
There is more than one band called Underdogs. 1) The 60's garage/punk band Underdogs recorded the song "Love's Gone Bad", which is on the Nuggets: Original Artyfacts from the First Psychedelic Era, 1965-1968 box set (1998) and on volume six of the Nuggets LP series of the 1980s. 2) UnDeRdOgS come from Silesia, Poland, and they play nu-metal/rapcore. The band was formed in late 2005. Members include Jism (vocals), Wołek(bass), Marek Rynkiewicz (guitars), Marek Kiełbusiewicz (drums) and DJ Shwanz (turntables). 3) Underdøgs is a Finnish indie rock band, which is often misspelled as Underdogs. They released three EPs from 2003...
1. The Underdogs were a 1960s garage band from Detroit, Michigan. 2. The Underdogs were a 1960s rock band from New Zealand. 3. The Underdogs were an UK82 band from England: U.G. (vocals), Col (guitar/vocals), Bill (drums/vocals) and Martin (bass/vocals). 4. The Underdogs are a band from Hope Valley, Derbyshire. 5. The Underdogs are a band from Aveiro, Portugal. .
The Cavedogs (Todd Spahr, Mark Rivers and Brian Stevens) played their first gig as the Cavedogs at the Rat in Kenmore square some time in Novemeber of 1985. They played their last gig at the Paradise just down the road from the Rat in August of 1992. Between those years and venues, Enigma Records was lucky enough to release their first record "Joy Rides for Shut-ins" in 1988. Enigma folded in 1989 and the Cavedogs were signed to Enigma's parent label, Capitol, who dropped them in 1992 after releasing "Soul Martini." Rocking is what they did. All the members went...