jose alberto reis | ru

Alberto Plaza Aguirre (n. Santiago, 12 de febrero de 1962), es un cantautor chileno, famoso por éxitos como "Que cante la vida", con el que obtuvo el tercer lugar en el Festival de la Canción de Viña del Mar en 1985; "Bandido", "Milagro de abril" y "Voy a cambiar el mundo", entre otras. Plaza se declaró miembro de la cienciología en 2009. .
Puerto Rican Joseph Fonseca started getting involved in the local scene after joining los Sabrosos del Merengue. He sang and danced with the group for five years, finally deciding to take the first step to become a solo artist, leaving the band while Manny Manuelle took his place. In 2000, Joseph Fonseca recorded his debut album called Noches de Fantasia, released by Karen Music, featuring the hit single "Jardín Prohibido." Nacido en Bogotá el 29 de mayo de 1979, Fonseca se interesó por la música desde muy temprana edad. A los doce hizo su primer experimento componiendo un tema que...
Josel’s earliest music memories are in the shape of his mother’s Boney M tapes and local greek folklore music festivals. Starting from those two extremes, Josel went through numerous musical taste transformations. Growing up in a family where his older brother is a semi-professional singer and his younger brother a painter, it was no surprise that Josel chose music production and DJing as a way of expression. Starting mixing vinyl at the age of 15 and working for various bars and clubs in his home town provided him with a variety of musical input. His move to the UK to...
José Jiménez Fernández (born 11 February 1943), commonly known as Joselito, was a singing and acting child star in Spain during the 1950s and 1960s. Joselito was born in Beas de Segura, Jaén, northeast Andalucia in Spain. He toured several countries as a juvenile singer. Joselito made his film debut at the age of 13 and began making other films, including "El Pequeño Ruiseñor", "Saeta del Ruiseñor", "El Ruiseñor de las Cumbres", "Escucha mi Canción", "El Pequeño Coronel", "Aventuras de Joselito en America", "Los Dos Golfillos", "Bello Recuerdo", and El caballo blanco (The White Horse) with Antonio Aguilar. Besides acting,...
José González - шведский инди-бард. Родился в 1978 году в Гётеборге (Швеция), в аргентинской семье. Подростком он был заядлым скейтбордистом. Это сочеталось в нем с острым интересом к музыке, и он очень рано начал играть на гитаре в местных рок-группах – это был жесткий, бескомпромиссный панк. Поэтому многие были удивлены, услышав его в становящейся новой манере – мягкой и сдержанной. Он начал свою музыкальную карьеру басистом в одной из местных хардкор-групп. Играл во второй и в третьей рок-банде, а потом во время работы над докторской диссертацией по биохимии выпустил свой первый сольный альбом "Veneer". Гонзалез не колебался, выбирая между академической...