Jim Hendricks | ru

Барбара Хендрикс - афроамериканская певица (сопрано). Родилась 20 ноября 1948, Стивенс, штат Арканзас, США. Окончила университет Небраски со степенью по математике и химии. Потом поступила в Джульярдскую школу, где училась у Д. Турель. Посещала мастер-классы Maria Callas. Дебютировала на оперной сцене в 1974 году, первая запись — 1975 год (Клара в Порги и Бесс Гершвина). С тех пор выступала на сцене крупнейших оперных театров мира с оркестрами под управлением известнейших дирижёров. Известна также как исполнительница песен французских, немецких, скандинавских, американских композиторов (в сопровождении Раду Лупу записала для фирмы Эмми двойной диск песен Шуберта). В 1998 году пела на историческом представлении...
Bobby Hendricks (February 22, 1938, Columbus, Ohio) is an American rhythm and blues singer who charted two hits in the late 1950s. Hendricks was a member of The Swallows, The Flyers, and sang lead with The Drifters before becoming a successful solo act (he sang The Drifters' "Drip Drop"). His single "Itchy Twitchy Feeling," which was covered by his former band soon after it began attracting radio airplay, hit the U.S. charts, reaching #5 on the Black Singles chart and #25 on the Billboard Hot 100 in 1958. Hendricks's only other charting single, "Psycho," was a novelty song depicting a...
No, silly... not Jimi Hendrix. This man is a bit different. The Professional music career of Jim Hendricks began in Omaha, Nebraska in the early 1960's. As the story goes, one evening while singing in a local folk music club Jim met and became friends with Cass Elliot. Cass wanted to form a folk music trio and had already enlisted the talents of Tim Rose. After hearing Jim sing and play the guitar Cass knew that he would be the perfect third member! The group was formed and the called themselves The Big Three… The trio headed east (as all...
The artist name is The Karl Hendricks Trio. The Karl Hendricks Trio is a rock band from Pittsburgh. They have released seven albums, toured, and have occasionally played as a four-piece rock band. Now firmly a trio again, the band's latest album was 2007's The World Says (with Alexei Plotnicov as a second guitarist). The current line-up includes Jake Leger on drums and Corey Layman (Developer) on bass. Hendricks, as he always has, plays guitar, sings and writes the songs. The Trio is still active in Pittsburgh, preparing for an eighth album, going out on short tours and playing occasional...
J.W. Hendricks was very invested in the indie-gaming community in high school. He wrote music for several games using PXTone, but he is most famous for his work on the Songs for the Cure CD's. He has since retired from the indie gaming community to go to college and pursue work in the film industry. He was recently announced as a winner of Ron Howard and Canon's Project Imaginat10n. .