Jason Scott Hook | ru

Джейсон Мраз американский певец и автор песен, смешивающий самые разные жанры - поп, рок, фолк, джаз, кантри и хип-хоп. Потрясающий скороговорщик, каламбурщик и при этом невозможный романтик. Он родился 23 июня 1977 в пригороде Ричмонда (штат Вирджиния, США). В школе Мраз был активным участником группы поддержки, что кстати можно заметить на его концертах - он бесподобно заводит публику с первой же песни. После школы Мраз изучал искусство музыкального театра в Американской Академии Музыкального и Драматического искусства в Нью-Йорке. А затем уехал в Сан-Диего. В 2002 он подписал контракт с Electra Records и вместе с продюссером Джоном Алагия выпустил свой дебютный...
1) Firstly, an epic 60’s psychedelic band. 2) Secondly, Hook, everyone relates it to fuckin’ Peter Pan, unless for a few freaks that would have kicked Peter Pan’s ass till he claims for mercy. Hook starts in february 2005 when Chipi, guitar and vocals, moves from the far north and decides that beer is not the only in heis life, so he starts the band together with Eric black bassplayer from NBA league, and a drumming toy (aka fruity loops drums). Doesn’t take much time to realize that they need to go further and they hire (end of june) Pinocchio’s...
Three artists share the alias Scotty: 1- Scotty (born David Scott, 1951, Westmoreland, Jamaica — died 27 February 2003, Kingston, Jamaica) performed as a reggae vocalist and deejay. 2- Scotty, also known as Scotty ATL, is an Atlanta-based rapper and songwriter. 3- Oliver Dix, also known as Scotty, is a German producer and deejay who took part in several dance acts like Belmond & Parker, Clubstars, or Disco Deejays. As a solo artist, Scotty or DJ Scotty released and produced his own music with hits like "Dreamland", "Du Hast, Du Lachst", "Don't Stop (The Party)", "Let's Celebrate", "Don't Cry Tonight",...
The thing about getting to know Jason Gray is that you immediately want to share him with other people. In that way Jason is a lot like a good movie, or a great book, or some barely discovered band whose music makes you remember what it was you liked about music in the first place. Which brings us full circle, because Jason’s unique brand of emotional, thought-provoking, alternative-pop is that sort of music, and listening to it isn’t much different than having Jason Gray sitting in your living room and telling you what’s on his mind. In either case, you...