Invisibl Skratch Piklz | ru

Los Amigos Invisibles - венесуэльская группа, которая играет смесь диско, эйсид джаз и фанка, миксуя их с зажигательными латиноамериканскими ритмами. В 1995 году они выпустили свой дебютный альбом «A Typical and Autoctonal Venezuelan Dance Band», который получил огромный успех в Венесуэле. В следующие два года ребята играют в клубах Каракаса, пока Дэвид Бирн из «Luaka Bop record label» не подписывает с ними контракт на выпуск «The New Sound of the Venezuelan Gozadera» в 1998 году. Два года спустя наступает черед альбома «Arepa 3000: A Venezuelan Journey into Space». В 2000 году они переезжают в Нью-Йорк, где в 2003 выпускают шедевр...
The Invisible Cities is a San Francisco and New York City-based band that makes rough-around- the-edges sometimes-quiet sometimesloud rocknroll pop music with wiry guitars and boy/girl harmonies. They've just finished their third release, Meet The Lampreys. .
"Progressive Hip-Hop For Old School Hip-Hop Fans." Mr. Invisible's story starts in an unlikely setting, a rural town called Mt. Holly in the backwoods of North Carolina. At first glance, it's the typical "redneck" town with more trees than people and more pick-up trucks than high school graduates. The outsider would never think that this little spec of dust could be the birthplace of something so original, progressive, explosive and even more surprisingly Hip-Hop. Don't forget, it only takes a single atom to make a really big bang. Even Justin "Aswell" Blackwood and Blake "Ill-use" Matthews didn't realize their potential...
A band from Torremolinos, Málaga, very popular in the 1980s and early 1990s. Lead by Javier Ojeda, probably one of the more powerful voices in the Spanish music of the time. Their live shows are extremely potent and some of their songs are classics for a generation in Spain. .