Heinz Conrads | ru

ХОЛЛИГЕР, Хайнц (Holliger Heinz, 1939) – выдающийся композитор Швейцарии старшего поколения. Он родился в Лангентале, близ Берна, учился в Берне, Базеле и Париже как гобоист и композитор. Наибольшее влияние из учителей на него оказал П. Булез, под влиянием которого он обращается к идеям послевоенного авангарда, однако в своем творчестве склонен искать вдохновения за пределами сухих структур: его привлекает рефлексия и подсознание художника, анализ творческого поведения за далеко за пределами обыденного. Не случайно его крупнейшие произведения написаны по мотивам жизненных и творческих документов великих безумцев ХIX века — Гельдерлина, Шумана. Собственная рефлексия Холлигера простирается в далекое прошлое музыки — первобытный магический...
Heinz Rudolf Erich Arthur Kunze (* 30 November 1956 in Espelkamp-Mittwald, Germany) is a German writer and rock singer. His greatest hits were "Dein ist mein ganzes Herz" and "Mit Leib und Seele" in 1985 and 1986. Kunze was born on 30 November 1956 in the refugee camp Espelkamp near Minden. His family had been expelled from Guben (Niederlausitz, now partially Poland). His father, an officer for the Waffen-SS and long-time prisoner of war, had returned only in the same year. In the 1980s, he rose to prominence as a singer. HRK, as he is often called, has also written...
There are at least two artists called Heinz. 1. Heinz (full name Heinz Burt) was the bassist for The Tornados before being selected by producer Joe Meek to become a solo act. In 1963 he hit the British Top Five with the Eddie Cochran tribute "Just Like Eddie" before going on to have several other Top 30 hits, including "Country Boy," "You Were There," "Questions I Can't Answer," and "Diggin' My Potatoes." 2. Heinz is a rock band from Austria, also known as Heinz aus Wien. .