Glass Diamond | ru

Diamonds are not the 50's group "The Diamonds" of "Little Darlin'" fame. There are however, several bands that go by this name: 1) Diamonds (Australia/Glasgow) 2) Asher "Diamonds" Gray (USA) 3) Diamonds (Canada) 1) Diamonds are an ex-Australian hard pop/noisy indie three-piece based in Glasgow. Aidan and Sarah packed up their equipment in Adelaide, Australia late 2007. Put it all in a shipping container and set it loose on an over sea voyage to Glasgow. All to play some real, raw and exciting rock music on the other side of the world. Diamonds’ music is a loud and energetic mash...
King Diamond (Кинг Даймонд, настоящее имя - Kim Bendix Petersen) родился 14 июня 1956 года в Копенгагене (Дания). Главным его увлечением был футбол, который впоследствии заменился музыкой. Началось все со школьной группы, где он играл на гитаре. Потом была группа Brianstorm, после он пел в Black Rose. В 1980 году Даймонд пришел в группу Brats, ставшую прообразом Mercyful Fate. Именно в Mercyful Fate Даймонд и прославился, и окончательно сформировал свой музыкальный стиль, тогда и появились попытки делать шоу: плевки огнем, скелеты и их части, грим, сценические костюмы и т.п. Группа King Diamond начала свое существование в 1985 году после распада...
There are at least three artists with this name: 1) In the early Seventies with the British Blues scene a little stale, Stan Webb took time out from his band Chicken Shack to form a brilliant band entitled Broken Glass featuring such great players as Miller Anderson, Robbie Blunt, Mac Poole and Rob Rawlinson. The three pronged guitar attack of Webb, Anderson and Blunt soon had venues rocking and EMI put the money up for the band's debut album. The album hit the streets to great reviews and Broken Glass seemed on their way to fame and fortune. The quality...
Samuel Cooper & Brady Keehn first started working together at Savannah College of Art and Design during the post production stage of Samuel's senior thesis film, MILES. .
Diamonds Are Forever is metalcore band from Cluj-Napoca Romania. In the late of September 2011 they merge from two already existing bands and start sharing songs. In November the band joins Global Battle of the Bands Romania and the end up in the competition Finals. By December they released the first EP - 4 song material entitled "Whom shall I fear". Also along the EP the first video was recorded for the song The eyes of blinded sorrow. The release party was a success and was considered the 2'nd best release party of 2011 by Awards. Also at the...