There are several Sunflower artists here. This description is about the jazz rock band. Sunflower is a rock band from Leicester, United Kingdom, with influences from jazz and funk styles. Tom Hackwell (Guitar and Vocals) Kate Fowkes (Saxophone & Piano) Ben Le Grice (Bass Guitar) Mark Cardwell (Drums & Percussion) They released their eponymous debut on March 18th, 2010 Sunflower was also a band from Austin, TX in the mid 1990s. They released two albums New Territory and Round Trip. A third Sunflower is an electronica/ambient act, including the full track "Sunflower." The album "Welcome Silence" is of Native...
There is more than one artist with the name Flowers. 1) Flowers is Sam, Rachel and Jordan. Upon meeting in 2012, they moved in together and started practicing and writing pop songs in their London living room. Their live performances draw a line between joyous fuzz pop and minimalist brilliance, with screaming distortion eventually calming down to singer Rachel playing solo on a one-stringed bass. 2) The original incarnation of the Australia new wave group Icehouse. They formed in Sydney in 1977 and released the album "Icehouse" under the name Flowers in 1980. Subsequent overseas releases of the album credit...
After almost five months from YUI's break, it was announced that the singer/songwriter will already return to the music industry as a vocalist of the new band Flower Flower. The band was said to be already performing live around Japan and has been doing studio sessions earlier this year which obviously explains that YUI's time from the hiatus was actually used and given for the preparation of the band's debut. Flower Flower is a four-member group which consists of other musicians YUI admires and respects. The band will be making their debut on May 4 at the Japan Jam event...
1, Flower Power is czech psychedelic rock/melodic rock band from Šumperk. Flower Power are Lukáš Mlček (guitar, vocal), Vojtěch Šeliga (keyboards, vocal), Matěj Pavlů (drum) and Miroslav Přikryl (bassguitar). They recorded his first demo (Demotivation) in 2007. In 2009 they recorded debut album "We Aren't Cool". 2, Flower Power - Happy house, producers of the self-same named dance anthem from 2005. .
Брэ́ндон Фла́уэрс (англ. Brandon Richard Flowers, 21 июня, 1981) — вокалист, клавишник, автор песен и фронтмен американской группы The Killers. Брэндон Флауэрс родился в городке Хендерсон, штат Невада. Он вырос в многодетной семье со средним достатком. Из 6 детей Брэндон был самым младшим. Отец Брэндона работал в местном супермаркете, а мать была домохозяйкой и занималась воспитанием детей. В 8 лет Брэндон вместе с семьёй переезжает в городок Нэфи, штата Юты. А когда ему исполняется 16, возвращается в Неваду, в город Лас Вегас, где живет у тети. Огромное влияние на становление музыкальных вкусов Брэндона Флауэрса оказал его старший брат Шэйн. Сначала...
Найдено 26 песни, продолжительность: 01:54:24
Insidious (Single)
See No Future
My True Face (Architect 2013)
Insidious (Architect 2013)
Russian Roulette
Без названия
My true face
My True Face
Chaos Theory (2013)
See No Future (Architect 2013)
Confront! (feat. Christine from Deathember Flower)
Confront! (feat. Christine from Deathember Flower)
Architect (Architect 2013)
Chaos Theory
The End of Everything (2013)
Russian Roulette (Architect 2013)
A New Era (demo)
The End of Everything (Architect 2013)
NANO запипсано на репетиции)
Nano (Architect 2013)