Coach Said Not to | ru

There are multiple bands named The Coachmen: a) A 1960's Illinois group featuring Dan Fogelberg that released two singles on Ledger Records. b) In 1978, Thurston Moore and JD King formed the Coachmen. They played in the NYC no-wave scene for a while and broke up in 1979. Moore went on to form Sonic Youth. c) The Coachmen were a garage rock Fort Worth, Texas featured on the complication Fort Worth Teen Scene. .
For five days in the summer of 2009, there was what can only be described as an incessant hubbub emitting from a tiny residential bungalow in the peaceful Yorkshire town of Mirfield. It was the sound of a small, ferret-like boy called John Elliott strumming, singing and hitting things with sticks in order to record the debut album by The Little Unsaid, ‘Someone Else’s Lullabies.’ Released in June the following year on independent label Spare Dougal Records, the album was produced by Sonny, an established music producer and who has worked with the likes of Portico Quartet, John Martyn, Ali...
Àrsaidh (что на гэльском языке означает «древний» и «архаичный») - Atmospheric/Celtic Black Metal проект Andy Marshall'a, так же известного по проекту Askival. Àrsaidh был создан в Шотландии зимой 2012 года. После закрытия своего проекта Askival и участия в некоторых блэк-метал коллективах, таких как Falloch и Old Silver Kay, Andrew решает вернуться к "корням", и уже через год выпускает первый дебютный альбом "Roots". Альбом сделан в лучших традициях Энди. Массивные эпические музыкальные полотна, словно снежная буря проносятся сквозь слушателя. Каждая композиция наполнена духом суровой Шотландии. A. легко смешивает Atmospheric Black Metal, Folk Metal и традиционные фолковые инструменты, получая фантастическую смесь, наполненную...
Hardcore band from Sacramento, Ca. The band formed in 1995 and lasted for about 7 years, leading to them splitting in 2002. They Released two full length albums: "Wanting... Waiting" In 1999, and "The Chronicles of the Restoration of the Church" in 2000 For fans of: Converge, Bloodshed, Strongarm, Refused,Unashamed, Zao, 90's christian hardcore. .
Sofia Essaïdi (born August 6, 1984) is a Franco-Moroccan singer. She was born in Casablanca, Morocco. From August 30 to December 13, 2003, she participated in the show Star Academy France's third season, becoming a semi-finalist. She was very popular & one of the very loved contestants on the show for having a very good voice & nice personality, many critics and the professors in the academy considered Sofia to be not just the best this year, but one of the best students in the history of Star Academy France overall. From March 12 to August 7, 2004, she participated...