Bike Path | ru

Sympathy churns out its own unique style of Blackened Death Metal with sickening aggression. Huge walls of thick crunching guitars, coupled with the soaring sounds of synths give Sympathy's music a hauntingly surreal quality that mixes the sinister with the saintly, the malignant with the majestic, and the hellish with the heavenly. Their lyrical themes tend to revolve around subjects such as theology, philosophy, and death. .
There are five artists under the name "The Path": 1.) The Path is a grindcore/sludge band from Southern Indiana heavily influenced by death and doom metal. The band has been labeled Grindcore, Mincecore, Sludgecore, Death Metal, & Powerviolence, but prefer the title/label Southern Indiana Death Grind Sludge Terrorists. Their lyrics themes range from social political to occult topics. Formed in early 1990 the band started off as a fastcore crossover band influenced by The Accused, DRI, Septic Death, & Larm as much as Death, Voi Vod, Hellhammer, Black Sabbath, & Repulsion. They appeared on several compilations, released a self financed...
1."Bike" variation of "DJ Bike"(Alessandro Dilillo a.k.a. Noize Suppressor). Italian Hardcore-Gabber artist and DJ. 2.New Zealand guitar-pop trio, Bike, formed in 1995, and was the project of Andrew Brough, formerly of the Straitjacket Fits. Joined by drummer Karl Buckley and bassist Tristan Mason the group released "Save My Life", a single earning them Most Promising New Band at the NZ Music Awards. They released a self-titled album in 1997 and followed this up with Take in the Sun in 1999. 3. Project of prolific musician Brian Grainger aka Milieu with a focus on rhythm over melody. 4. EN: Brazilian psychedelic...
Группа была основана в норвежском городе Ставангер в начале 1990 Р. Наттефростом и И. Нордавиндом. Наттерфрост: "В 1988 - 1990 годах я был в одной thrash death metal группе, которая имела только местное значение, и исполняла песни других групп, таких как Kreator, Bathory, Celtic Frost и т. д.. Первое демо «Bloodlust & Perversion» было выпущенно группой в 1992 году на кассете и получило неожиданно восторженные отзывы слушателей. В 1993 году группа выпускает своё второе демо «Journey through the cold moors of Svarttjern». Однако до 1995 Carpathian Forest были малоизвестны. Культовый статус группа приобрела лишь после выхода первого EP — Through...
Against a backdrop of rhythmic guitars, moving bass lines and frenetic drums are tuneful melodies and harmonies that will have you humming long after the show is over or the cd is put away. Their name is inspired by a passage in Kurt Vonnegut’s novel Breakfast of Champions. Comprised of Jake on drums and Rej on guitars and vocals, this dynamic duo subscribes to the indie school of thought. They have been toiling in their basement studio for months, recording and mixing their album. The result is their debut cd entitled 9 Songs. Their music is a blend of modern...
Найдено 21 песни, продолжительность: 01:24:57
Bike Path
Bike Path
Bike Path(etic)
Desire Lines
Perfect Pace
Blonde + Blue
Zenith + North
New Stars
Bike Path (Dobijas 'Sunday Ride' Mix)
Ivy + Ink
eagle of the bike path
Violet, the First Time
New Moon
Тем, кто в пути
Те кто в пути (демо)
Те кто в пути